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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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suck my wiener
« Norwegian »
amme meg wiener
breast-feed my Danish pastry
suck my member
« Norwegian »
amme meg medlem
breast-feed my co-worker
i am very messy so all my things are in piles in my house
« Danish »
jeg er nok så nasset altså al mig sager er i hæmorroider i mig hus
i am very gooey consequently all me matters are you haemorrhoids to me cottage
by bryson
Fuck You!
« Spanish »
Veto to the excrement!
history is not kind to its subjects
« Italian »
la storia non è gentile ai relativi oggetti
the history is not kind to the relative objects
You make me horny
« Chinese (traditional) »
You enable me to have the angle
i like to fart into my grandmothers mouth, just to watch her cheeks puff out!
« Japanese »
I like the fact that because her cheek observes at that you blow exactly the fart is done in the mouth of my grandmother!
by unonymous
I usually like for the girl to pleasure me first, then it is her turn. unless she is extremely attractive, in which case she does not get a turn at all.
« Japanese »
私は通常喜びに女の子のために私を最初に好む、そしてそれは彼女の回転である。 彼女が非常に魅力的でなければ、彼女が回転を全然得なければ。
I in the normality joy first like me for the girl, and that is her revolution. If she is not very attractive, if she does not obtain revolution at all.
you are gay
« Russian »
вы голубой
you blue
for every two there is a third to cast a shadow
« Romanian »
pentru fiecare doi acolo is un al treilea la spre castel un a umbri
for either two yonder is an third at at castle an shade
Nice shirts like you!