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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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they wish to be alone with it
« Danish »
de ønske at blive på egen hånd hos sig
they desire to be single-handed by themselves
English to Japanese and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Japanese »
英語から日本語および背部再度。 what'を見なさい; sは(または得た)失った翻訳で。
Japanese and the back section for the second time from English. what& Look at the #039; (Or you obtained s) with the translation which is lost.
What are you wearing?
« Latin »
Quis es vos taedium?
Anyone are you tedium?
I dont want to die tonight. No!
« Japanese »
私は今夜死にたいと思わない。 いいえ!
I do not think that tonight we would like to die. Calling obtaining!
i have to shit
« Korean »
나는 똥눠야 한다
I must evacuate the excrements
you ugly faggot
« Japanese »
It is scurvy, homo-
I will not buy this record, it is scratched ! (Monty Python)
« Hungarian »
ÉN akarat nem vesz ez feljegyzés , ez karmolt! ( montázs Piton )
AM I will not take this annotations , this scratched! ( montage Python )
Do not touch me, creep!
« Japanese »
My creeping you do not have to touch!
And they lived happily ever after, The End
« Chinese (simplified) »
And they live happily from now, terminal
Once upon a time in a land far, far away
« Welsh »
Siwrnai ar adeg mewn dirio 'n bell , 'n bell ar gerdded
Journey signs time in land ' heartburn distant , ' heartburn distant away
Nice shirts like you!