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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Yo mama so ugly when she joined an ugly contest, they said Sorry, no professionals.
« Welsh »
Yo mama fel 'n anhardd pryd asethai an 'n anhardd amau , ddeudan 'n Chwith , na professionals.
Yo ure like ' heartburn unhandsome meal he joined cowardly ' heartburn unhandsome doubt , they say ' heartburn Left , I do professionals.
My boss is a real ass hole
« Spanish »
Mi jefe es un asshole verdadero
My head is asshole true
by Fluf
we have a great sex life
« Czech »
my mít jeden celek pohlaví duch
we hold a a total of sex wraith
by Fluf
Let's play canasta and have some delicious cake!
« Turkish »
Let's oyun Kanada ve -si olmak biraz nefis pasta!
Let's game Canada and si become a little excellent cake!
Desperate, she pulls a gun and shoots him dead
« Italian »
Disperata, tira una pistola e gli spara morti
Deprived of hope, it pulls a gun and it talks nonsense to it died
by Fluf
Nobody can find you a better deal
« Japanese »
The transaction where everyone is better it cannot find
by Fluf
I like big butts and I can not lie You other brothers can not deny And when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist And a round thing in your face You get sprung
« Czech »
JÁ do téže míry dobrý cíl a Dovedu ne brloh Tebe druhý bratøi pocínovat ne odepøít A kdy jeden dìvèe kráèi do s neurè. èlen itty hoøký pás A jeden boubelatý majetek do tvùj èelit Tebe brát mít špièku
SELF like sweet aim plus I can no slum You second brothers tin no withhold PLUS when a wench walks up with neurè. member itty bitter waistband PLUS a round wealth up yours weather You nibble sprung
You can find your perfect match
« Spanish »
Usted puede encontrar su fósforo perfecto
You can find his phosphorus perfect
by Fluf
I hear voices in my head, they counsel me, they understand, they talk to me.
« Japanese »
I them am recommended in me who, them understand the voice of my head, in me, them you speak, you hear.
Merry Christmas
« Latin »
Hilaris Sarcalogos
Cheerful Christ
Nice shirts like you!