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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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What color is your dick?
« Japanese »
Is your hateful person what kind of color?
save the cheerleader save the world
« Japanese »
If the cheer leader is excluded, rescue the world
Shut the fuck and suck my cock
« Latin »
Shut fuck quod combibo meus gallo
Shut fuck and to drink up my cock
Shut the fuck and suck my cock
« French »
Fermez la baise et sucez mon robinet
Close kisses it and suck my tap
kids love farts
« French »
l'amour d'enfants farts
l' love d' children waxes
by Fluf
you do not take a shit you leave one
« Greek »
δεν παίρνετε ένα shit που αφήνετε ένα
you do not take shit that you leave
by Fluf
you do not take a shit you leave one
« Korean »
당신은 당신이 1개를 남겨두는 배설물을 가지고 가지 않는다
You you have the body waste to leave this 1,
by Fluf
you do not take a shit you leave one
« Chinese (simplified) »
You do not adopt you to leave behind excrement
by Fluf
you don't take a shit you leave one
« Czech »
ale jdi brát jeden hovno tebe dovolená jeden
you don't say nibble a shit you holiday a
by Fluf
you don't take a shit you leave one
« Latin »
vos don't take a shit vos licentia unus
you don't take a shit you license one
by Fluf
Nice shirts like you!