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Gates McFadden is Beverly Crusher Chief medical officer.
« Hungarian »
Sorompó McFadden van Ital Zúzógép Fõ orvosi tiszt.
Turnpike McFadden there is Drink Masher Main betony.
by Fluf
Jonathan Frakes is William Riker first officer.
« Finnish »
Jonathan Frakes on Halukas Riker edellä virkamies.
Jonathan Fraction is Anxious Misdemeanour first official.
by Fluf
Michael Dorn is Worf, Klingon, security and tactical officer.
« Swedish »
Mikael Dorn är Worf Klingon , trygghet och taktisk officeren.
Michael Dorn is Worf Tinkle , securities and tactical officer.
by Fluf
Patrick Stewart is Jean-Luc Picard Captain and Commanding officer.
« Czech »
Patrik Správce is Džinsy Luc Anglická typografická míra Kapitán a Velící dùstojník.
Patrick Warden is Jeans Luc Pica Skipper plus Commanding officer.
by Fluf
Patrick Stewart is Jean-Luc Picard Captain and Commanding officer.
« Latin »
Pium Vilicus est Jean Luc Picard Caput quod To order muneris.
Honest Villicus is Jean Luc Jay Capitis and Command service.
by Fluf
Sex is so over rated
« German »
Geschlecht ist so über steuerpflichtigem
Sex is like that over taxable
Sex is so over rated
« Korean »
성은 정격에 이렇게 있다
Is like this in Royal favor correct rules
Shut the fuck up you asshole
« Chinese (traditional) »
Closes you the sexual intercourse fool
William Shatner is James T. Kirk Commanding officer of the Starship Enterprise. Leonard Nimoy is Spock Science officer and second in command. DeForest Kelley is Leonard H. Bones McCoy Chief medical officer. James Doohan Montgomery Scott is Chief Engineer and third-in-command. Nichelle Nichols is Nyota Uhura Communications officer Lieutenant. George Takei is Hikaru Sulu Helmsman. Walter Koenig is Pavel Andreievich Chekov Navigator.
« Danish »
Beredvillig Knuse er James T. Kirk Kommanderende befalingsmand i den Starship Initiativ. Leonard Nimoy er Spock Videnskab befalingsmand og other i befale. Misdannet Kelley er Leonard H. Ben McCoy Hoved- lægeundersøgelse befalingsmand. James Doohan Montgomery Kvæle er Hoved- Tekniker og tredjedel - i - befale. Niche Niche er Nyota Uhura Meddelelser befalingsmand Lieutenant. George Holde er Hikaru Sulu Helmsman. Let job Koenig er Pavel Andreievich Chekov Navigere.
Willing Wax is Why T. Church Domineering officer to the Starship Initiative. Leonard Nimoy is Spock Scientific officer and second to commit. Deformed Kelley is Leonard H. Side line private work McCoy Principal medical examination officer. Why Doohan Montgomery Kill is Principal Technician and third to commit Recess Recess is Nyota Uhura Informations officer Lieutenant. George Subscribe is Hikaru Sulu Helmsman. Waltz The cow is Pope Andreievich Chekov Navigate.
by Fluf
William Shatner is James T. Kirk Commanding officer of the Starship Enterprise.
« Japanese »
The William plain gauze toner is commander of the Scottish church of [jiemusu] T. of Starship enterprise.
by Fluf
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