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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You have just been Rick rolled!
« Portuguese »
Você apenas foi Rick rolado!
You only were rolled Rick!
by Fluf
Oh no, I am the red hot pajama super hero once more. Pass the trout.
« Japanese »
Oh NO、私はもう一度猛烈なパジャマの英雄ではない。 マスを渡しなさい。
Oh NO, I once more am not the hero of the fierce pajamas. Transfer the mass.
I would like to bang your ass.
« Japanese »
I desire the fact that your donkey is hit hard.
no u
« Japanese »
u it is not
I heard you like mudkips
« Japanese »
I inquired about that mudkips is liked
Two pints of booze...tell me, are you a bad fish too?
« Korean »
독한 술의 2개 파인트는… 당신이 역시 나쁜 물고기다는 것을 저에게 말하는가?
They are 2 green onions of the stiff drink and sprouts,… You this as well bad death crawls says the thing to me?
I want to see you peeing.
« Japanese »
I think that we would like to look at that it urinates.
« Icelandic »
smokkur, verja
rubber sheath , defend
i can has cheeseburger
« Dutch »
ik kan heb cheeseburger
I am possible cheeseburger
No bastard ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country.
« German »
Kein bastard gewann überhaupt einen Krieg, indem er für sein Land starb. Er gewann ihn, indem er das andere arme stumme Bastard bildete, stirbt für sein Land.
No hybrid won at all a war, by dying for its country. It won it, by forming other poor mute hybrid, dies for its country.
Nice shirts like you!