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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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That which does not kill us makes us strong.
« Japanese »
That we are not killed can point to us strongly.
translate yourself
« Chinese (traditional) »
Translates itself
Is the glass half empty or half full
« Czech »
Is èlen urèitý barometr polovina hladový èi polovina mandlovat
Is the weather glass half hungry or half mangled
by Joe
You dare bring light into my lair? You must die!
« Chinese (traditional) »
您敢带领光进入我的穴? 您必须死!
You dare to lead the light to enter my hole? You must die!
Mah boy, this piece is what all true warriors strive for
« Japanese »
The boy of Mah, this part is because of those where all true soldiers endeavor
Falcon Punch!
« Chinese (simplified) »
The falcon fights with the fists!
by Fluf
Imma chargin mah lazer
« Slovenian »
Imma ukaz mah poèivati
Imma word moss to take rest
by Fluf
We are anonymous. We are many. We are strong.
« Icelandic »
Við ert nafnlaus. Við ert margir. Við ert sterkur.
Accustom art nameless. Accustom art poly-. Accustom art strong.
I do not know what to type next!
« Chinese (traditional) »
I did not know how next does enter!
Shoop da whoop!
« Slovenian »
proè! da vpitje!
off yes indeed yelp!
by Fluf
Nice shirts like you!