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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Murray, you are a jew-fucker.
« Slovenian »
kuga , vi ste a Žid fucker.
wanion , you are however Yiddisher fucker.
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas, everywhere we go...
« Czech »
It's počátek až k hledět množství do téže míry Vánoce , všude my běh.
It's spring to view number like Yule , throughout we swift.
by Joe W-M
« Japanese »
Barack Obama
« Filipino »
Dockyard Obama
baradero Obama
There is horseradish in my galoshes
« Dutch »
Er is mierikswortel in mijn overschoenen
There is horseradish carrot in my rubbers
long long ago in a galaxy far far away
« Danish »
længe for længe siden i en galaxy langt langt bortrejst
for a long time a long time ago to a white-tie far far away
by Fluf
Great shot kid! That was one in a million!
« Slovenian »
velik strel nesmisel! to was nedoločni zaimek v a milijon!
vastly sling without rime or reason! this was one within however million!
by Fluf
Great shot kid! That was one in a million!
« Latin »
Valde offa kid! Ut eram unus in a million!
Intensely lump kid! When was one upon a a thousand times!
by Fluf
what, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn batman!
« Croatian »
što su , te gust? Jesu te duševno zaostao ili nešto? Tko pakao da li vi misliti Ja sam? I'm Goddard posilni!
what are , these tight? Are these retarded or somewhat? Who hell Do you trow I am a? I'm Goddard batman!
what, are you dense? Are you retarded or something? Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the goddamn batman!
« Filipino »
ano , ay ka makapal? ay ka hadlangan o something? sino ang impiyerno gumawa ka isipin ako ay? I'm ang diyosa batman!
what , are you thick? are you throttle oh something? who the hell work you think me are? I'm the goddess batman!
Nice shirts like you!