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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Are you ready for some balls to the wall action?
« Japanese »
Does preparation of the sphere which is behavior of the wall make?
fuck your couch
« Japanese »
Your sofa have sexual intercourse
Hello. My name is Michael and I would like to ride a roller coaster.
« Japanese »
こんにちは。 私の名前はミハエルであり、私はジェットコースターに乗ることを望む。
Today. My name is Michael, I desire the fact that it rides in the coaster.
I prefer straightforward women.
« Norwegian »
JEG foretrekke direkte kvinner.
I choose antipode female.
I prefer straightforward women.
« Japanese »
I like the simple woman.
how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood
« German »
wie viel Holz eine Waldmurmeltierklemme kann, wenn eine hölzerne Klemme Holz einspannen kann
as much wood knows a forest marble animal clamp, if a wooden clamp can clamp wood
how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood
« Dutch »
hoeveel hout een bosmarmotklem kan als een houten klem hout kan gooien
how much wood is possible a bunch marmot bosmarmotklem if a wooden klem can throw wood
how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a wood chuck can chuck wood
« Latin »
quantus wood can a woodchuck chuck si a wood chuck can chuck wood
how great wood can a woodchuck chuck if you wish a wood chuck can chuck wood
i like cheese puffs
« Portuguese »
eu gosto de sopros do queijo
I taste of blows of the cheese
i like cheese puffs
« Spanish »
tengo gusto de soplos del queso
I have taste of blowings of the cheese
Nice shirts like you!