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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Hello. My name is the best person in the whole wide world which is what makes me awesome.
« Chinese (simplified) »
你好。 我的名字是的整体宽世界的最佳的人什么使我令人敬畏。
Hello. My name is the entire body width world's best person anything causes me to be formidable.
Titanium alloy is used to build most of the state of the art planes
« Latin »
Titanium tribuo est adsuesco assuesco constructum potissimum civitas of professio plagiarius
Titanium to give out is to grow accustomed to to construct chiefly state of monastic rule kid-napper
« Korean »
[su] Tallin
Mom, the meat loaf! Fuck!
« Welsh »
Mom , 'r chig ystelcia! Fuck!
Bomb , ' group meat I skulk! Fuck!
Don't eat cheese before bed. It will give you nightmares.
« Welsh »
Gwisga t bori caws anad gorweddfa. Anrhega 'ch hunllefau.
I dress tower graze cheese before bed. I present ' dogs nightmares.
Internet Explorer has a serious security flaw which could result in someone remotely hijacking your computer.
« Welsh »
Rhyngrwyd Archwiliwr has a 'n brudd ddiogelwch bai a could canlyniad i mewn rhywun 'n anghysbell hijacking 'ch chyfrifiadur.
Internet Auditor ace I go ' heartburn grave you make safe he were to be I go could consequence in someone ' heartburn out of the way hijacking ' dogs computer.
Men are like parking spots, the good ones are taken and the free ones are handicapped
« Latin »
Men es amo ortus macula , bonus ones es captus quod solvo ones es handicapped
Men are to love birth stain , good ones are taken and to loosen ones are handicapped
Why is the rum always gone?
« Latin »
Quare est rum usquequaque absentis?
Wherefore is rum always absent?
Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out and round up everyone that knows more than they do.
« Korean »
지금 자정에 모든 대리인 및 초인간적인 대원은 나오고 더 많은 것을 알고 있는 모두를 보다는 위로 돈다.
Now all substitutes and a more thing and the great ambition which is superman comes out to midnight and knows all sees comfort goes round.
On top of spaghetti all covered in cheese, i lost my poor meatball when somebody sneezed.
« Latin »
In caput capitis of spaghetti totus occulto in caseus , ego lost meus penuriosus meatball ut aliquid sneezed.
Upon head of spaghetti whole to hide upon cheese , I lost my penurious meatball when someone sneezed.
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