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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You know the rules and so do i A full commitments what Im thinking of You wouldnt get this from any other guy
« Czech »
Tebe vŘdŘt člen určitý krotit a asi tolik činit já JEDEN mandlovat odevzdání jaký Im myslící of Tebe nechtěl bych brát tato dle jakýkoliv druhý dělat si dobrý den z někoho
You know the trash plus thereabouts amount self A mangled transmission what Im thinking of You wouldn't nibble this from whatsoever second scoff at something
Were no strangers to love You know the rules and so do i A full commitments what Im thinking of You wouldnt get this from any other guy
« Korean »
사랑할 것이다 아무 낯선 사람도 없지 않았다 당신은 규칙을 알고 있 그래서 나 당신을 생각하는 Im가 다른 어떤 녀석에게서 이것에게 얻지 않을 무엇을 가득 차있는 투입
Anyone will love you who have neither the total stranger know a rule and [iss] so from what kind of guy whose Im where you think you is different in this what which will not get full the commitment which is
pedro throws the dices
« Norwegian »
pedro kaste terningene
pedro chuck cubes
gee, it sure is boring around here! My boy, this peace is what all true warriors strive for! I just wonder, what ganon is up to... Your majesty, Ganon and his Minions have seized the island of koridai! Hmm! How can we help? It is written, only Link can defeat Ganon! Great! I will grab my stuff! There is no time; your sword is enough! How a bout a kiss, for luck? You have got to be kidding! Squadalah! we are off! Wow, what are all those heads? These are the faces of evil! You must conquer each! I guess, i better get going! Here is the map! Where do you wish to go?
« German »
gee, bohrt es sure um hier! mein Junge, dieser Frieden ist, was alle zutreffenden Krieger anstreben! Bis zu ich gerade wundere, welchem ganon ist… Ihre Majestät, Ganon und seine Günstlinge ergriffen die Insel von koridai! Hmm! Wie können wir helfen? Es geschrieben, nur Verbindung Ganon besiegen kann! Groß! Ich ergreife mein Material! Es gibt keine Zeit; Ihre Klinge ist genug! Wie ein Zeitraum ein Kuss, für Glück? Sie müssen scherzen! Squadalah! wir sind aus! Wow sind was alle jene Köpfe? Diese sind die Gesichter des Übels! Sie müssen jedes erobern! Ich schätze, ich verbessere gehend! Ist hier das Diagramm! Wo möchten Sie gehen?
gee, bores it over here sure! my boy, these peace is, which all applicable warriors aim at! Up to I straight surprise, which ganon is… Its majesty, Ganon and its favourites seized the island of koridai! Hmm! How can we help? It written, only connection Ganon to defeat can! Largely! I seize my material! There is no time; Their blade is enough! How one period a kiss, for luck? They must joke! Squadalah! we are out! Wow are which all those heads? These are the faces of the evil! They must conquer everyone! I estimate, I improve going! Is here the diagram! Where would you like to go?
The bird is the word!
« Latin »
bird est vox!
bird is cry!
Feliz Navidad
« Latin »
Beatitas Navigo
Happiness To sail
I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
« Japanese »
I' ホワイトクリスマスの夢を見るm
I' M where you look at white Christmas dream
I'm Mister White Christmas, I'm Mister Snow. I'm Mister Icicle, I'm Mister Ten Below. Friends call me Snow Miser, whatever I touch turns to snow in my clutch... I'm too much!
« Turkish »
I'm sis beyaz Noel I'm sis kar. I'm sis Icicle I'm sis on aşağı. sokulgan seslenmek beni kar mutsuz , her türlü I değmek turnike -e doğru kar içinde benim kavramak. I'm ziyade!
I'm fog white Christmas I'm fog snow. I'm fog Icicle I'm fog ten down. sociable call out to me snow miserable , whatever I be worth turnstile had straight snow in my seize. I'm more!
I'm Mister Green Christmas, I'm Mister Sun. I'm Mister Heat Blister, I'm Mister Hundred and One. They call me Heat Miser, whatever I touch... starts to melt in my clutch...I'm too much!
« Latin »
I'm Caliga Viridis Sarcalogos I'm Caliga Sol solis. I'm Caliga Estus Blister I'm Caliga Centum quod Unus. They dico mihi Estus Miser , quisquis EGO tactus. satus tabesco in meus clutch. I'm nimium!
I'm Darkness Green Christ I'm Darkness Sun. I'm Darkness Heat Blister I'm Darkness A fleet of a hundred ships and One. They to say me Heat Wretched , whoever I sense of feeling. origin to melt upon my clutch. I'm too much!
All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth
« Icelandic »
Aleiga mín vilja fyrir Jól er minn tveir andlit taka tennur
All my wish pay lip service to Plum pudding is my two face take choppers
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