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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Please stop kicking me. I'm about to go postal on you.
« Korean »
저를 걷어차는 중지하십시오. I' 당신에 우편에 갈 것이다 대략 m.
Kick hard me and discontinue. I' The approximately m will go to a mail in you.
I need to walk the dog, feed the cat, water the birds, and cook breakfast.
« Korean »
나에 의하여 개 걸을 필요가 있고, 고양이를 먹이고, 새 및 요리사 조반이 급수한다.
In compliance with me the dog there is a necessity which will walk, the cat the ink and the bird and the cook breakfast supply water.
residence of poop
« Spanish »
residencia del impulso
it calls to account of the impulse
I am a walrus.
« Chinese (traditional) »
I am the walrus.
by Rollins
Smile, it enhances your face value.
« Latin »
Smile , is enhances vestri visio pendo.
Smile , this enhances your likeness to weigh.
Being considerate of others will take you further in life than a college degree.
« Swedish »
Varelse hänsynsfull av självaste vilja ta du längre bort i liv än en college grad.
Being considerate of others want take yous further in life than a college pitch.
I Like the Fish in You
« Portuguese »
Eu gosto dos peixes em você
I taste of the fish in you
I Like the Fish in You
« Latin »
EGO Amo Piscis piscis in Vos
I To love Fish upon You
Marvin the Mountie Always Gets His Kitten
« Chinese (simplified) »
The Marvin mounted policeman member always obtains his cat
The loudest noise comes from the electric kitten
« Italian »
Il rumore forte viene dal gattino elettrico
The strong noise comes from gattino the electrical worker
Nice shirts like you!