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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
The United States of America is the best country in the world.
« Serbian »
Određeni član Sjedinjen Američki Države 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu određeni član najbolji država unutra određeni član svet.
The United States of America 3. wis with IT BE from present the best commonwealth in the nepoznato.
If you click the smiley we will fuck.
« Italian »
Se scattate lo smiley scoperemo.
If released the smiley we will sweep.
The car's wheels are out of alignment and the tires need to be re-balanced as soon as possible.
« Korean »
car' s 바퀴는 줄맞춤에서 이고 타이어는 가능한 빨리 재조정될 필요가 있다.
car' s wheels from aligning, and the tire, there is a necessity which will readjust as soon as possible.
by baron_army
My little girl and I played in the snow today.
« Korean »
나의 어린 소녀 및 나는 눈에서 오늘 놀았다.
Me the little girl and I played today from the eye.
by baron_army
Do I look fat?
« Icelandic »
Gera ÉG útlit feitur?
Do I semblance well-fed?
Do I look fat?
« Greek »
Φαίνομαι παχύς;
I appear thick?
My penis is so long if I put it on the keyboard it would go from a to z.
« Greek »
Το πέος μου είναι τόσο μακρύ εάν τον έβαλα στο πληκτρολόγιο που θα πήγαινε από το α στο Ω.
My penis is so much long if I put him in the keyboard that would go from a to the [O].
by Terrence
What side of the road do you drive on in this country?
« Latin »
Quis pars of via operor vos coegi in huic terra?
Anyone part of road to work you to bring together upon in this earth?
by zbelle
What side of the road do you drive on in this country?
« Dutch »
welke kant van de weg drijft u in dit land?
which roadside floats you in this country?
by zbelle
Liar pants on fire hanging from the telephone wire.
« Finnish »
Valehtelija alushousut model after ampua verhot polveutua soittaa johdin.
Liar panties on plug drapes from telephone wire.
by Terrence
Nice shirts like you!