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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I'm a lady! I like to do ladies' things, like attend the operettas and les ballets imaginaires.
« Czech »
I'm jeden dáma! JÁ do téže míry až k činit ladies' majetek , do téže míry léčit člen určitý opereta a les balet imaginaires.
I'm a queen! SELF like to amount ladies' wealth , like treat the operetta plus wood ballet imaginaires.
Beauty is truth, and truth beauty; that is all ye know on earth and all ye need to know.
« Korean »
아름다움은 진실 및 진실 아름다움이다; 그것은 지구와 모든 ye 필요에 아는 모든 ye 알고 있다 이다.
Being beautiful, truth and truth being beautiful, is; It is knowing and endurance and all ye where knows all ye necessary.
You are ugly when you love her, you are beautiful and fresh, vital and free, modern and poetic when you don't.
« Korean »
당신은 당신이 그녀를 사랑할 때 추악하다, 당신 이다 아름답고 신선하고, 생명 자유롭고, 현대 시적 때 당신 don' T.
You when loving this her of you, you and fresh to be ugly, be to be beautiful be, life to be free, today poetic time, you don' T.
by daria
My love for you is like a rock. Berserker. Would you like some making fuck? Berserker.
« Japanese »
あなたのための私の愛は石のようである。 Berserker。 好む作成は性交をか。 Berserker。
My love because of you seems like the stone. Berserker. As for the compilation which you like sexual intercourse? Berserker.
i am very sexy lady
« Czech »
já am dokonalý sexy dáma
self am sublime sexy queen
I would gladly pay you tuesday for a hamburger today.
« Welsh »
Fi would 'n falch dalu 'ch Dydd Mawrth achos a hamburger heddiw.
I would ' heartburn proud pay ' dogs Tuesday because I go hamburger today.
Enough about the teapot, let's talk about you.
« Czech »
Dostatečný kolem člen určitý konvice na čaj let's hovor kolem tebe.
Sufficient aromatically the teapot let's talk aromatically you.
I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
« Dutch »
Ik ben een kleine theepot, plotseling en een stout.
I am a small teapot, suddenly and naughty.
I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
« Korean »
나는 작은 찻주전자, 간결 및 흑맥주 이다.
Me the small Chas kettle, brevity and it is a black pulse week.
I'm a little teapot, short and stout.
« Chinese (traditional) »
I am the young teapot, am short and the fierce black beer.
Nice shirts like you!