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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Oh my god, i just shit my pants!
« Chinese (traditional) »
哎呀, i拉屎了我的褲子!
Oh, i has defecated my pants!
Oh my god, i just shit my pants!
« German »
Oh schiß mein Gott, i gerade meine Hosen!
Oh shit my God, i straight my trousers!
« Welsh »
llofruddia, llofruddio, llofruddiwch, alanas, furn, galanas, llofruddiaeth, murn, ngalanas
I murder , murder , you murder , murder , injury , murder , murder , injury , murder
by James A. Calwell III
« Welsh »
chyfferiau, chyffuriau, cyfferiau, cyffuriau, feddyglynnoedd, gyfferiau, gyffuriau, meddyglynnoedd, nghyfferiau, nghyffuriau
ingredients , ingredients , ingredients , ingredients , medicines , ingredients , ingredients , medicines , ingredients , ingredients
by James A. Calwell III
Are you suggesting that coconuts migrate?
« Russian »
Вы предлагаете что кокосы проникают?
You do propose that coconuts they do penetrate?
Posting in Epic Thread
« Welsh »
Yn postio i mewn 'n Arwraidd Edau
Posting in ' heartburn Heroic Thread
I love you.
« Welsh »
Cara 'ch.
I love ' dogs.
so.. I don't really get this thread
« Slovenian »
tudi jaz prepoved pošteno zaslužiti to sukanec
withal yours truly proscription thoroughly win this yarn
How are you able to perform such amazing feats?
« Japanese »
That kind of splendid achievement can be done?
you smell like tuna fish bitch
« Chinese (traditional) »
You smell likely the tuna bitch
Nice shirts like you!