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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise
« Japanese »
Then with the North Pole half light/write of the valley, all existence atrophies in existence of my mind, memory and sound of the river of the large black foot 4 count desire and the rhythm that and the fish is caught stand,
Never going to give you up, never going to let you down, never going to turn around and desert you.
« Czech »
Nikdy existující až k darovat tebe autobus , nikdy existující až k dovolit tebe dole , nikdy existující až k obrátit a neobydlený tebe.
Never subsistent to provide you bus , never subsistent to allow you underneath , never subsistent to wind plus waste you.
riding a bike to work
« Japanese »
Riding in a car in order for the motorcycle to work
by Guldtyr
I hate George Bush's Big Fat Head. Not The Top One.
« Chinese (simplified) »
我恨乔治・布什' s大肥胖头。 不是名列前茅一个。
I hate George Bush ' s greatly obese head. Is not among the best one.
Please stomp your bloody feet and wash your dirty hands to be polite.
« Welsh »
Blesio stomp 'ch 'n waedlyd chorfannau a golch 'ch baedda balfau at bod 'n foesgar.
Please bungle ' dogs ' heartburn bloody feet I go wash ' dogs I beat palms to be ' heartburn mannerly.
by Treadways
Can I have a fish stick please.
« Chinese (simplified) »
May I please have explodes the fish steak.
by Treadways
Dear pesky plumbers. The Koopalings and I have taken over the mushroom kingdom. The princess is now a permanent guest at one of my seven Koopa hotels. I dare you to find her if you can.
« Slovenian »
srčkan nadležen klepar. Koopalings ter imam zalotiti nad goba kraljestvo. kraljica je zdaj a trajen gost v nedoločni zaimek od svoj sedem Koopa hotel. kakor kaže vi najti svoj če vi moči.
dear worrisome white smith. Koopalings and I have trap rising of sponge royalty. regina there is today however vivaciously visitor within one with your seven Koopa pub. I dare say you to track out your whether you to feel up to.
by CDiFan237
Tomb Raider: Anniversary
« Japanese »
墓侵入者: 記念日
Grave intruder: Commemoration day
by CDiFan237
This is not the best way to translate something into another language.
« Slovenian »
to ni najboljši izuriti za hojo ali ježo po cesti prevesti nekaj v še eden jezik.
this is not the best train up upon I hojo whether ježo by road translate white elephant within another tongue.
Take your dirty little paws off the apple pie.
« Korean »
사과 파이 떨어져 당신의 더러운 작은 발을 가지고 가십시오.
The apple pie falls and you is dirty and have the foot which is small and go.
Nice shirts like you!