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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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It is a truth universally acknowledged, that any man in possession of a sizable fortune must be in want of a wife.
« Japanese »
As for that the wife being necessary, generally owning rather large good fortune, that all person there is a truth which is recognized it becomes, is.
this is my favourite dish
« Korean »
이것은 나의 마음에 드는 접시이다
This is the plate which holds in my mind
by fiskeben
Somehow Colonel Sanders is a made up person like carne asada?
« Japanese »
How, doing, Sanders colonel seems like asada of carne and it is the person who was made?
Please choose one of the following! A.) Tell him to go fvck himself! B.) Tell him to go back to the middle east where he belongs! C.) Ignore him! D.) Stick your middle finger up at him! E.) Spit in his face! Thanks folks.
« Croatian »
Ugoditi izabrati neki dana sljedeće! A. ) Reći njemu to ići fvck sebe! B. ) Reći njemu to ići leđa to Srednji istok gdje svi on pripadati! C. ) Zanemariti njemu! D. ) Štap tvoj srednji prst gore at njemu! E. ) Ražnjić u njegovoj lice! Hvala narod.
Please choose certain of the day following! and ) To tell him this leg fvck himself! B. ) To tell him this leg caudal this Middle East where all him pertain! C. ) Underrate him! D. ) Crutch yours middling finger up at him! oh ) Spit in his the license! Thanks people.
by Muslim Hater
Don't let government set pay
« Russian »
Don' t препятствовал получке правительства установленной
Don' t prevented pay of the government of that established
Scientists in Colombia have unearthed the remains of a true prehistoric monster believed to be the biggest snake ever to have lived on Earth.
« Russian »
Научные работники в Колумбия отрывали остатки истинного доисторического изверга, котор верят, что были самой большой змейкой всегда прожить на земле.
Scientific workers in Columbia tore off the remainders of true prehistoric monster, it was which they believe that they were largest snake always live on the earth.
monster truck
« Russian »
тележка изверга
the cart of the monster
Mitsubishi Lancer Evolution is the best car the whole world
« Russian »
Развитие Lancer Мицубиси самый лучший автомобиль весь свет
The development Of lancer of Mitsubishi the best automobile is the whole world
Welsh corgi cardigan born to be bomba
« French »
Cardigan de corgi de Gallois soutenu pour être bomba
Cardigan of Welshman corgi supported to be bent
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
« Russian »
Вы будете неимоверно красивейшей женщиной. Вы соединили бы меня для питья?
You will be incredibly most beautiful woman. You would connect me for the drink?
Nice shirts like you!