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Consumer borrowing tumbles again
« Filipino »
ubusin panghihiram isabog uli
exhaust borrowing scatter again
Consumer borrowing tumbles again
« Latin »
Perussi mutuo tumbus iterum
To burn up borrowed tumba again
Consumer borrowing tumbles again
« Russian »
Едок одалживая падениям снова
It is caustic loaning to drops again
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« German »
Fläche bildet Spritzenlandung im Hafen
Surface forms syringe landing in the port
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« French »
L'avion fait l'atterrissage d'éclaboussure dans le port
L' plane made l' landing d' splash in the port
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Japanese »
Plane surface lands the spray of the port
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Filipino »
antas gawin magsaboy dumaong di magkimkim
degree fashion splash dock in harbor
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Slovenian »
zravnati pomožen brizg pristanek v luka
smooth up tributary squirt landing within port
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Latin »
Plagiarius planto respergo terra in portus
Kid-napper to set in place to sprinkle earth upon harbor
Plane makes splash landing in harbor
« Turkish »
rendelemek geçici sıçramak iniş içinde bkz. harbour
plane passing spring descent in bkz. war academy
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