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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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We have nothing to fear but fear itself
« Korean »
우리는 두려워하고는 것을 그러나 두려워하는 것을 아무것도 없다
We fear and fearing the thing but there is not anything
by Dave
click my penis
« Icelandic »
smellur minn getnaðarlimur
crack my phallus
by Carlton
Eating chicken is my favorite pastime.
« Korean »
닭을 먹는 것은 나의 마음에 드는 과거이다.
The fact that eats the chicken is the past which holds in my mind.
by Carlton
i am extremely tall, also i like candy
« Welsh »
dwi 'n anaelau 'n dal , hefyd cara candy
I am being ' heartburn pain ' heartburn continue , also I love shattered
I hate my job.
« Serbian »
JA mržnja moj posao.
I grudge my affair.
Conkers bad fur day
« Japanese »
The fur day whose Conkers is bad
by CDiFan237
turtles are awesome
« Japanese »
The turtle it keeps being surprised
by Jessabella
the day the earth stood still
« Chinese (simplified) »
Earth straight station day
by fiskeben
A quantum of solace
« Korean »
위안의 양
Sheep of comfort
by cygge
tomorrow never dies
« Korean »
내일 결코 죽지 않는다
Will not die tomorrow assuredly
by fiskeben
Nice shirts like you!