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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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your mom went down on me
« Hungarian »
-a anyu ment legyőz nálam
the mummy went whip on me
I went down on your mom
« Hungarian »
Mentem legyőz -ra -a anyu
I went whip ra the mummy
your mom likes me
« Welsh »
'ch mom likes 'm
' dogs bomb likes ' ores
by Matt
i like your mom
« Hungarian »
nekem tetszik -a anyu
I like the mummy
You are an incredibly beautiful woman. Would you join me for a drink?
« German »
Sie sind eine unglaublich schöne Frau. Würden Sie mich für ein Getränk verbinden?
They are an unbelievably beautiful woman. Would you connect me for a beverage?
horse penis
« Korean »
말 남근
The penis which rolls up
Feed the fish get a shirt!
« Japanese »
Give the shirt which is obtained in the fish!
make it so
« Russian »
сделайте его так
make it thus
When the pimps in the crib, poke it like a cat
« Japanese »
When the prostitution services trader of the lintel bucket, piercing that, like the cat
I donated and three days later I found a cock up my ass.
« Russian »
Я подарил и 3 дня более поздно я нашел кран вверх по моему ишаку.
I presented and 3 days more late I found crane upward from my ass.
Nice shirts like you!