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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I have wondered lonely as a cloud Amongst and over dales and hills When all at once I saw a crowd And a host of golden daffodils...
« Korean »
나는 골짜기와 언덕의 사이에 그리고에 구름으로 즉시 나가 황금 나팔수선화 군중 그리고 다수를… 볼 때 고독했던 생각해 보았다
I go out toward the cloud in of the valley and in between the hill and immediately, the golden trumpet narcissus multitude and majority… When seeing, was lonely and tried to think
I'm eating toast, care to join me in this session of toast eating?
« Japanese »
I' トーストの食べることのこの会議の私を結合するためにトースト、心配を食べるmか。
I' M where the toast and worry are eaten in order to connect me of at this meeting of the thing which the toast is eaten.
Tales likes to have sex with porcupines
« Japanese »
The fact that there is a characteristic where the porcupine has been attached to the story is liked
do not mess with the writing of chuck norris
« Chinese (simplified) »
Do not mess up the stubborn meat norris writing
I am going to go to the bathroom to take a huge shit out of my fucking ass hole.
« Czech »
Hodlám stát se advokátem koupelna až k brát jeden ohromný hovno bez má do prdele osel jáma.
I am going to go to the bar bathroom to nibble a monstrous shit without has fuck it jackass hole.
Where is the bathroom? I have to make a gigantic bowel movement.
« German »
Wo ist das Badezimmer? Ich muss einen gigantischen Stuhlgang bilden.
Where is the bathroom? I must form a gigantic chair course.
you think you are tough? No one can beat my dog
« Slovenian »
vi pretehtati vi ste zdržljiv? nihče moči utirati svoj pes
you weight you are tough? none to feel up to beat your tyke
by Uncle sam
Official Deals on Air Lines! Find Cheap Fares on 200+ Air Sites
« Korean »
관리는 비행 노선에 다룬다! 200+ 공기 위치에 싼 운임을 찾아내십시오
Management treats in the air line! where Wraps in 200+, air locations seeks the fare which
Your big ass is so big that a year pasts by when you turn around
« Czech »
Tvůj dobrý osel is asi tolik dobrý aby jeden dlouhá doba bez do kdy tebe obrátit
Yours sweet jackass is thereabouts sweet that a year without up when you wind
This bitchy behavior should not be allowed
« Czech »
Tato čubka fungování požadovat ne být dovolil
This bitch functioning should no subsist allowed
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