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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
« Norwegian »
Tea Mutant Ninja Number of revolutions
Tea Mutant Ninja Number shame revolutions
No one is so brave that he is not disturbed by something unexpected.
« Japanese »
By him unexpected something is not obstructed extent no one who is brave.
I came, I saw, I conquered.
« Japanese »
I came, personal opinion am, me conquered.
These translations are horrible..
« Japanese »
These translations are fearful.
I can has recons?
« Japanese »
I can do recons which it has?
Some girls try too hard.
« Latin »
Nonnullus puella tendo quoque ferreus.
Some girl to direct also made of iron.
Many of these translations make very little sense, in the end.
« Latin »
Plures illorum translations planto paululum voluntas , in terminus.
Many more of those transfer of the body of a saint to set in place very small wish , upon a boundary mark.
devil may cry
« Japanese »
Perhaps demon you shout,
I can has cheeseburger.
« Korean »
나는 있다 치즈버거가 할 수 있다.
I is a possibility Burger the cheese which is doing.
by Underyx
What was that noise?
« Korean »
그 소음은 무엇이었는가?
Was the sound arresting what?
by Underyx
Nice shirts like you!