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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Hi, would you like to go for a walk on the beach?
« Japanese »
Today, is the fact that it walks with the beach liked?
red bull gives you wings
« Serbian »
array bik davati te krilo
array bull give you lap
what the fuck is going on?
« Japanese »
Has sexual intercourse gone with something?
having a ball
« Croatian »
vlasništvo lopta
legal estate sphere
it is better to love and lose than to never love at all
« Latin »
is est melior delecto quod perdo quam ut nunquam diligo procul totus
this is better to delight in and to lose how when never to value highly far whole
Having a ball!
« Czech »
Having jeden genitálie!
Having a testicle!
Do you know the muffin man?
« Slovenian »
ali poznaš vroč, z maslom namazan kolaček človek?
do you know warmly , Z butter spread jumble poll?
Stick it in her pooper!
« Czech »
Přilepit ono do ji lodní záď!
Stick yon up her stern!
douche bag
« Icelandic »
úðari poki
sprinkler sack
yes. please can i have the chicken but without the cream sauce
« Korean »
그렇습니다. 나는 크림 소스 없이 닭이 그러나 있어서 좋다
Is like that. Me cream sauce is a chicken without and but
Nice shirts like you!