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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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great sex
« Korean »
중대한 성
The characteristic which is serious
The president will fail
« Japanese »
The president fails
by Bjorn B'Dynn
will you marry me?
« Slovenian »
hoteti vi sveta nebesa! mi?
yammer you good heavens! we
I want sex
« Dutch »
Ik wil geslacht
I want slaughtered
our father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name
« Korean »
신성하게 한 천국에 있는 예술이 thy 이름을 대있는 우리의 아버지
Holy, the art which is in one heaven thy names our father who is the unit
scoop it right out of the bowl
« Danish »
scoop sig lige op fra den hoved
scoop themselves straight up from the brain
swine flu
« Italian »
influenza dei maiali
infuence of the pigs
by biczar
i love chicken
« Croatian »
ja hatar Chicago
I love Chicago
Why am I typing crap into a translator at two in the morning? I should be asleep.
« Latin »
Quare sum EGO typing crap in a reddo procul duos in oriens? EGO should exsisto asleep.
Wherefore to be I symbolic wine upon a to repeat far two upon rising? I should to emerge asleep.
I love a guy with the name bob.
« Icelandic »
ÉG ást a strákur með the nafn hnykkur.
I love a lad with the name jerk.
Nice shirts like you!