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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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There is no place I would rather be than church
« Korean »
나가 교회 보다는 오히려 일 아무 장소도 없다
Goes out and the church is not also anyone place which rises rather
They see me rolling, they hating, patrolling, and trying to catch me riding dirty
« Korean »
그들은 저를 회전, 미워하고, 경비하고, 저를 붙잡는 것을 시도해 더러운 승차 본다
They rotate me, to hate, they guard, the fact that seizes me and they attempt riding in a car they see
Welcome to the real world.
« Icelandic »
Velkominn til the raunverulegur veröld.
Well-met to the virtual world.
it is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man of good fortune must be in want of a wife
« Japanese »
The single person of the good fortune which is recognized generally the wife being necessary, the fact that it becomes is truth
I like rape
« Portuguese »
Eu gosto da violação
I taste of the breaking
by galactor
OH EE OH, killer tofu!
« Japanese »
Killer tofu of Ohio state EE Ohio state!
To whom it may concern, can i stay at your house tonight?
« Japanese »
Related party, I tonight may be restricted to your house?
I´m crazy
« Korean »
미친 I´m
I´m where reaches
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
« Russian »
лучше синица в руках, чем журавль в небе
is better titmouse in the hands than crane in the sky
a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
« Korean »
수풀에서 2개가 손에 있는 새에 의하여 가치가 있다
In compliance with the bird where from the bush 2 is to a hand there is a value
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