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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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For in that sleep what dreams may come.
« Korean »
그 잠에서를 위해 무슨 꿈이 올지도 모르다.
Respects from the sleep and dream coming does not know.
Work sucks.
« Norwegian »
Arbeide amme.
Work breast-feed.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.
« Slovenian »
je blo najboljši od krat , je blo premagati od krat.
it was the best with times , it was whip with times.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a large fortune must be in want of a wife.
« Russian »
Универсально подтверженная правда, то одиночный человек во владении большой удачой должен быть внутри хочет супруги.
The universally confirmed truth, then single person in the possession large of [udachoy] must be inside he wants husbands.
Do, or do not. There is no try.
« Slovenian »
delati , ali nikar ne. je ne začeti.
work , whether do not. there is thingummy try.
Caution: keep out of reach of children.
« Spanish »
Precaución: subsistencia fuera del alcance de niños.
Precaution: subsistence outside the reach of children.
Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, pulled my trigger now he's dead.
« Korean »
다만 남자이라고 죽는 Mama. 나의 방아쇠이라고 지금 당겨진 그의 머리에 대하여 총을 he' 두십시오; 죽은 s.
Mama where as the man dies only. As my trigger about his head which now comes to pull the gun he& #039 put; S where dies.
Love is the dance of eternity.
« Hungarian »
Szerelem van a táncol -ból örökkévalóság.
Love there is the hops ból perpetuity.
Play the bass guitar.
« Hungarian »
Játék a bőgő gitár.
Play the mooing guitar.
by Lamarr
I am cheating on you with another woman
« Japanese »
I cheat already with you of the alone woman
Nice shirts like you!