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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Skunk spray is delicious.
« Welsh »
Ddrewgi lluwch ydy 'n bêr.
Skunk dust he is being ' heartburn spear.
Skunk spray is delicious.
« Spanish »
El aerosol de la mofeta es delicioso.
The aerosol of the firedamp is delicious.
Wow! I love moistened toilet wipes!
« French »
Wouah ! J'aime les chiffons humidifiés de toilette !
Wow! J' like the humidified rags of toilet!
by bigred
That car next to the woman is nice. how much?
« Welsh »
A car 'n gyfnesaf at 'r benyw ydy 'n glws. fel lawer?
I go car ' heartburn next of kin to ' group female he is being ' heartburn pretty. like much?
by brad
woman, slap the bass, man
« Japanese »
The woman, bass, strikes the person strongly
That car next to the woman is nice. how much?
« Japanese »
女性の隣のその車は素晴らしい。 どの位か。
That car of next door of the woman is splendid. Which rank?
There will most likely be a lot of errors in this text, but this automatic translator is my only way to communicate at this point, and I hope I will be somewhat understandable, at least until I can find someone fluent in English or in French.
« Japanese »
At least, until I whoever fluency may find with English or French, perhaps there are many mistakes in this text, but this automatic translator is just the method to transmit at my this point in time and I desire the fact that I am easy to understand somewhat.
Rain, rain, go away. Come again another day.
« Japanese »
雨、雨は、なくなる。 別の日再度来られる。
The rain and the rain become without. Another day you come for the second time.
Four score and seven years ago, our forefathers created on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.
« Chinese (simplified) »
Four score and seven years ago, our ancestor has created a new country in this mainland, conceives in free and devotes the life, but equal proposition.
Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country
« Japanese »
There are no, ask any which can make because of thing your country which your country can make because of you
by monkei
Nice shirts like you!