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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I had Sexual relations with your dog.
« Welsh »
Cawn 'n Rhywiol berthynasau ag 'ch chi.
We have ' heartburn Sexual relations with ' dogs you.
Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries.
« Welsh »
'ch fam was a hamster a 'ch dadogi smelt chan elderberries.
' dogs mother servant I go er I go ' dogs father smelt with elderberries.
What is love?
« Welsh »
Beth ydy cara?
Thing he is being I love?
Who's your daddy?
« Welsh »
A s 'ch dad?
I go sound ' dogs father?
I will have you killed.
« Japanese »
I kill.
would you like fries with that?
« Korean »
당신 좋아한다 그것을 가진 튀김을 하고자 했는가?
You under boil the fried food which has it which likes?
I enjoy consuming alcoholic beverages.
« Japanese »
I enjoy the fact that the alcohol beverage is consumed.
Snap Crackle Pop
« Italian »
Schiocco a schiocco di Crackle
I crack to I crack of Crackle
snap crackle pop
« Dutch »
onverwachte pop ritselen
unexpected headstock rustles
snap crackle pop
« Greek »
αιφνιδιαστικό κροτάλισμα λαϊκό
unforeseen rattle popular
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