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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Hey babe, wanna come over to myspace and twitter my yahoo 'til I google all over your facebook?
« Japanese »
ちょっと可愛い人は、私のYahoo ' myspaceおよびtwitterにやって来たいと思う; あなたのfacebookをくまなくI googleまでか。
Is lovely just a little the person my Yahoo & We would like to come in #039 myspace and twitter; Your facebook without the [ku] [ma] to I google?
I'm your worst nightmare.
« Italian »
I' m. il vostro incubo più difettoso.
I' m. your defective incubus.
by Forest
What do you want from me?
« Japanese »
You think that we want something from me?
by Forest
Zombies! run for your life!
« Korean »
좀비! 당신의 생활 동안 뛰기!
A little expense! Period of your life run!
by Forest
dead drunken pirates
« Slovenian »
neživ pijan pirat
unanimated zigzag sea-wolf
dead drunken pirates
« Croatian »
potpun pijan gusar
signed tipsy captor
They burnt the pizza again.
« Korean »
그들은 피자를 다시 점화했다.
They ignited the pizza again.
by Nicole
Would you like fries with that?
« Russian »
Вы полюбите fries с тем?
You will fall in love fries with the fact?
by Nicole
Knock knock. Who's there?
« German »
Schlagschlag. Who' s dort?
Impact impact. Who' s there?
by Nicole
God, grant me the serenity, to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference
« Japanese »
As for God, difference knowing calmness, in order to accept the fact that I cannot change into me, but I the courage which changes intelligence good thing permit,
by Nicole
Nice shirts like you!