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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I suck on your fathers cock every night
« Korean »
나는 당신의 아버지에 매일 밤마다 격발 준비 완료한다 빤다
I outburst preparation complete suck everyday every night in your father
i fuck like a rabid beast
« Japanese »
I have sexual intercourse like the cruel animal
Where is the lubricant? I want to put my penis in your bum.
« Japanese »
潤滑油はどこにあるか。 私はあなたののらくら者に私の陰茎を置きたいと思う。
As for the lube it is somewhere? I think that we would like to put my penis on your loafing person.
fuck me
« Italian »
i am killing you.
« Norwegian »
jeg dreper du.
I zapping you.
i am going to fuck your mom so hard her teeth come out her ass
« Japanese »
I your mother intend to have sexual intercourse therefore the hard her tooth comes coming out her donkey
by silly
A body like yours ought to be in jail, I mean, it's on the verge of being obscene
« Icelandic »
A líkami eins og þinn ætti til vera í fangelsi , ÉG meðalvegur it's á the brún af tilvera klámfenginn
A frame as though thy ought to be into gaol , I middle course it's river the edge with existence pornographic
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« Icelandic »
Þrýsta 0 ef þú vildi eins og til tala til óákveðinn greinir í ensku stjórnandi.
Squeeze 0 maybe you would as though to irrational number to indefinite article into English leader.
by Wing
I think this is a bullshit
« Korean »
나는 이것이 허풍다는 것을 생각한다
I this exaggeration think that wears out
i wanna be the very best. that no one ever was. to catch them is my test, to train them is my cause. POKEMON!
« Japanese »
私は最もよくたいと思う。 誰もなかったこと。 それらを訓練するためにそれらをつかまえることは私のテスト、である私の原因である。 POKEMON!
I think that we would like to be best. Was no one. The fact that those are caught in order to train those my test, is my cause of being. POKEMON!
Nice shirts like you!