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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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blah blah fish
« Chinese (simplified) »
Talks nonsense the fish
If you kill your mom, your dad and your best friend you'll be the happiest person all over the globe
« Portuguese »
Se você mata sua mamã, seu paizinho e seu melhor amigo you' o ll seja a pessoa a mais feliz toda sobre o globo
If you bush its breast, its paizinho and its better friend you' ll either the person the happyest all on the globe
Last saturday I caught the swine flu and became very ill. By monday I had fever and nausea, by tuesday the chills had taken over. Finally, on thursday, the chills stopped and I felt fine for the first time in a long time. Today, however, the crappy feeling came back
« Italian »
Ultimo sabato ho interferito l'influenza dei maiali e mi sono trasformato in molto in Illinois. Entro lunedì ho avuto febbre e la nausea, entro martedì i freddi aveva assunto la direzione di. Per concludere, il giovedì, i freddi si sono arrestati ed ho ritenuto per la prima volta benissimo in un molto tempo. Oggi, tuttavia, la sensibilità disgustosa ha ritornato
Last saturday I have interfered l' infuence of the pigs and is transformed to me in a lot in Illinois. Within monday I have had fever and nausea, within tuesday the colds had assumed the direction of In order concluding, the thursday, the colds have been arrested and have thought for the first time very well in a much time. Today, however, the disgustosa sensibility has returned
Listen here cockmongler, hand me the tuna steak and no one gets a texas peach in their gobbling hole.
« Japanese »
As for cockmongler you hear here, transfer the tuna stake to me, Texas of the hole which everyone is in attendance and shirks the Tsuga [momo] is not obtained.
go to hell you crazy bastard
« Italian »
andate ad inferno bastardo pazzesco
gone to crazy bastard hell
the weather sucks
« Japanese »
It inhales the weather
by Arab
i have huge boobs
« Japanese »
Enormous there is a stupidity in me
My dog and me took a long walk this morning. After that, I had a cup of coffee and she had a dish of her favourite dog food.
« Italian »
Il miei cane e me hanno richiesto ad una camminata lunga questa mattina. Dopo quello, ho avuto una tazza di caffè ed ha avuta un piatto del suo alimento di cane favorito.
My dog and I have demanded to a long walk this morning. After that one, I have had a coffee cup and has had a plate of its food of favorite dog.
by Anke
Nobody wins when you eat bad sushi
« Korean »
아무도는 당신이 나쁜 초밥을 먹을 때 이기지 않는다
When anyone you whom goes round this eating the bad sushi, does not win
President Zardari loves Pakistan and he is working hard to make her better
« Korean »
Zardari 대통령은 파키스탄을 사랑하고 그는 그녀의 더 나은 만들기 위하여 열심히 일하고 있다
Zardari President love Republic of Pakistan and he recovers and her more in order to make he is working eagerly
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