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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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i want to be fucked
« Serbian »
ja oskudica da bude jebeni
I dearth to be bloody
these bitches are pissing me off
« Czech »
tezaury čubka ar moč mne do konce
thesauri bitch are water me to the end
these bitches are pissing me off
« Icelandic »
þessir tík ert hland mig burt
;l) bitch art hland myself drive away
What is your top enviromental priority?
« Latin »
Quis est vestri caput capitis enviromental prior?
Anyone is your head enviromental prius?
Is that you reading this, eh John?
« Italian »
Quello voi sta leggendo questo, eh John?
That one you is reading this, eh John?
What are the rules of the Internet, oh wise one?
« Croatian »
Što su pravilo dana Internet , oh mudar neki?
What are Pravda of the day IT , oh wise certain?
Good god James, how did you end up in Scotland!?
« Filipino »
mabuti diyos James , paano did ka tapusin pataasin di Scotland!?
beneficial god James , how did you terminate up in Scotland!?
I apologise for the damage done to your grandfather.
« Korean »
나는 주어진 당신의 할아버지에게 피해를 위해 사과한다.
I respect a damage apologize in your grandfather whom comes to give.
rabbit gulp gone
« Slovenian »
zajec požirati zgubljen
shoehorn to swallow like a duck in thunderstorm
fatty fat fat obese girl riding a bike
« Latin »
fatty pinguis pinguis obese puella inrideo a bike
fatty fat fat obese girl to laugh at a bike
by tasha
Nice shirts like you!