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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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It seems that the Welsh language contains a bunch of bizarre multiple meanings.
« Welsh »
Hymddangosa a 'r Cymraeg contains bagad chan 'n chwithig multiple feddyliau.
I appear I go ' group Welsh contains host with ' heartburn strange multiple thoughts.
Give me that.
« Welsh »
Anrhega 'm a.
I present ' ores I go.
Chicago has the best pizza.
« Finnish »
Hieno has parhaiten pizza.
Ripping has best pizza.
Short sentences are easy to translate.
« Russian »
Короткие предложения легки для того чтобы перевести.
Short proposals are light in order to transfer.
Can you just fuck off and die
« Japanese »
It keeps coming out exactly, it is possible to die,
If you can not say something nice, do not say anything at all.
« Japanese »
When it cannot say splendid what, at all at all you do not have to call.
How many fingers am I holding up?
« Japanese »
Am I lifting main finger of what?
I like to wear underpants.
« Czech »
JÁ do téže míry až k nosit podjezd.
SELF like to wear underpass.
A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...
« Japanese »
Before the time when the galaxy is long, directly, long way…
I am Jack Frost the bringer of snow and ice, watch me skip naked down the lane with snow flowing from my hands and feet.
« Korean »
나에 의하여 서리 눈의 bringer이고 저가 나의 손 및 발에서 흐르는 눈을 가진 차선 얼리고, 적나라한 아래를 건너뛸 것을 본다.
In compliance with me bringer of the frost eyes and the lane which has the eye which flows from the hand and the foot of low price will freeze, sees the fact that will jump over the lower part which is naked.
Nice shirts like you!