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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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double negatives are never fun
« Japanese »
The duplication negativity never is not the pleasure
My goal in life is to own a rooster farm.
« French »
Mon but dans la vie est au propre une ferme de coq.
My goal in the life is with clean farm of cock.
Well this is fun but I got to take a shower next to the rooster farm now.
« French »
Jaillissent ceci est amusement mais j'ai obtenu de prendre une douche à côté de la ferme de coq maintenant.
Spout out this is recreation but j' obtained to now take a shower beside the farm of cock.
suck cock you monkey crap fish
« Japanese »
The male where you imitate the fish of the junk it is inhale the chicken
by lo b0b
English to _________ and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
« Serbian »
Engleski jezik za _________ pa leđa opet. Vidjeti šta izgubljen ( inače stečen ) unutra prevod.
English after _________ and back again. Lift up the eyes tugovati forfeit ( besides acquired ) in caption.
The sight of ed's empty food bowl...He was always fed from a small bowl in the front room.
« Croatian »
vidik od ed's prazan jelo zdjela. On je uvijek hranjen from malolitražan zdjela in prednja strana soba.
vista with ed's wasteful meal vessel. Him had constantly fed from a small vessel in head chamber.
What have I become, my sweetest friend? Everyone I know go away in the end. And you could have it all, my empire of dirt. I will let you down, I will make you hurt.
« Croatian »
Što imati JA postati , moj predrag prijatelj? Svatko JA znati otići ipak. I te mogao imati Internet svi , moj vladavina od prljavština. JA htijenje pustiti te dolje , JA htijenje izraditi te nanositi povredu.
Which have I to become , my dearest wellwisher? Everyone I know move off yet. PLUS these could have IT all , my legality with wallow. I volition let these down , I volition fabricate these hurt.
She is a super freak
« Japanese »
She is the extreme variety
riba ribi grize rep
« Spanish »
el ribi del riba grize el representante
ribi of riba grize the representative
are you kidding me? you can't be serious
« Japanese »
私をからかっているか。 can' tは深刻である
Am I teased? can' t is serious
Nice shirts like you!