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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Computer is amazing machine without engine.
« Croatian »
Računalo je iznenađujuće stroj sa motor.
Bill had amazing machine from an motor.
by Doxy
Do we have extra sheets available ?
« Japanese »
Is there an excessive seat which can be utilized in us?
Would you like to go to bed with me?
« Romanian »
Ai dori să mergi la pat cu eu?
Would you like to go to butt with me?
by schumm33
I play the trombone in a bluegrass band.
« Czech »
JÁ dělat hlouposti pozoun do jeden bluegrass banda.
SELF play the fool trumpet up a bluegrass band.
I want a number two with no pickles.
« Norwegian »
JEG ønske et antall to med nei sylte.
I desire a number of dates back to along with absolutely no pickle.
damn it
« Japanese »
It is serious
Why in the world can I not stop masturbating to blah blah fish translations
« Japanese »
I why is possible, somehow the fact that masturbation is done in the can or fish translation you do not have to stop,
I think so therefor I am
« Croatian »
JA misliti na taj način ima Ja sam
I trow to this mode has a I am a
New Zealand floats in the sea next to Australia, which is a large continent full of kangaroos.
« Serbian »
Novozelandski kamen za glađenje unutra određeni član more tik iza Australija , šta 3. lice od TO BE u prezentu jedan velik kontinent pun klokan.
New Zealand floatstone in the water tik after Australia , tugovati 3. wis with IT BE from present a whooper continent teeming leap.
Sweet baby Moses that's one hell of a computer you got thar.
« Japanese »
甘い赤ん坊モーゼthat' コンピュータのs 1の地獄tharを得た。
Sweet baby Moses that' The hell thar of s 1 of the computer was obtained.
Nice shirts like you!