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eat shit and die you stupid fucking asshole
« Croatian »
jesti govno i kocka te omamljen karanje asshole
have you shit plus lay down one's life these torpid fucking asshole
jebo te jura nisi skužio poantu
« French »
poantu provisoire de skužio de Jura de te de jebo
poantu provisional of skužio of the Jura of you of jebo
Ako odem prijatelji,na grobu mi pjevajte vi,o ovom tužnom životu,u, o nesretnoj ljubavi.
« Croatian »
Ako odem prijatelji,na grobu mi pjevajte vi,o ovom tužnom životu,u o nesretnoj ljubavi.
Whether odem girl grave we singable vi,o ovom tužnom curriculum vitae about infelicity love affair.
by jura
Bo'k te mazo.
« Croatian »
Bo'k these masochist.
Bo'k te mazohist.
by jura
Fuck off, you filthy animal!
« Japanese »
The impure animal it keeps coming out!
by jura
My guitar wants to kill your mama.
« Japanese »
My guitar thinks your mother that the murder you want.
by jura
Često se češem po šupku.
« Croatian »
Continually does cone per šupku.
Često se stožac na šupku.
by jura
Music is the light of these days.
« Japanese »
Music is the light/write of nowadays.
by jura
You suck.Big time.
« Japanese »
It inhales. Success.
by jura
help me i am dying
« Latin »
succurro mihi ego sum dying
to run up under me I to be dying
Nice shirts like you!