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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Should you be in bed with me?
« Korean »
당신은 저와 가진 침대에서 이어야 하는가?
You with me must be from the bed which has?
The fat cat sat on the mat.
« Korean »
뚱뚱한 고양이는 매트에 있었다.
Fat exaltation was to the mat.
by grundge
The rooster entered the fissure.
« French »
Le coq est entré dans la fissure.
The cock entered the crack.
That girl has a pussycat; it is cute.
« French »
Cette fille a un minou ; il est mignon.
This girl has a pussy; it is nice.
by Hurrai
Where is your rooster, Buck?
« French »
Où est votre coq, mâle ?
Where is your cock, male?
by Hurrai
Where did I leave my clean shirt...?
« Finnish »
Johon valmis I-KIRJAIN erota minun aivan paita.?
Where ready-made I - LETTER leave mine clean shirt?
Better with big big Coke!
« Korean »
큰 큰 코크로 나아지십시오!
Improve with the big big cock!
by cogs
Things go better with Coke!
« Korean »
것은 코크와 잘 어울린다!
The thing with the cock matches well! where
Man, Im thirsty. Think I will grab a coke.
« Korean »
남자, Im 목마른. 나가 코크를 움켜잡을 것이라는 점을 생각하십시오.
The man, Im is thirsty. Go out and the point will grab the cock think.
« Japanese »
Self-consolation do
Nice shirts like you!