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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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"how would you like a kick right in the taco, buster?"
« Spanish »
" ¿cómo usted tienen gusto de un retroceso correcto en el taco, tipo? "
" how you have taste of a correct backward movement in I mark, type? "
pants on the ground lookin like fool with your pants on the ground!!
« Spanish »
¡los pantalones en el lookin de tierra tienen gusto del tonto con sus pantalones en la tierra!!
the trousers in lookin of earth have taste of the idiot with their Earth trousers!
by nikki
lets get pissed
« Chinese (traditional) »
Let obtain the urination
by catey
I want to have sex. Can we have sex right now baby? I want to fuck you so hard!
« Japanese »
私は性を有したいと思う。 私達は性の赤ん坊を今有してもいいか。 私はそう懸命に性交したいと思う!
I think that we would like to possess characteristic. We now may possess the characteristic baby? I think that we would like to have sexual intercourse so eagerly!
someone is in the back but not the top take me to the store
« Japanese »
As for someone there is a back section, but in addition to being, it keeps accompanying me at the store
She sells seashells by the seashore.
« Korean »
그녀는 해변에 의하여 조개를 판매한다.
She in compliance with the beach sells the clam.
by Busy Mom
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck?
« Japanese »
With will the woodchuck which installs which rank wood with the chuck do?
by Busy Mom
Poopy needs to poo in my pooy poop
« Latin »
Poopy postulo ut poo in meus pooy poop
Poopy to ask when poo upon my pooy poop
by Jay man
From Tanco! Help Mom, I've pooped my pants!
« Slovenian »
s Tanco! pomoč Mom I've izčrpan svoj hlače!
with Tanco! stand-by Mom I've wizened your trousers!
How about some vodka and some vibrating toys to arouse you?
« Portuguese »
Como sobre alguma vodca e alguns brinquedos de vibração para o despertar?
How on some vodca and some toys of vibration to awake it?
Nice shirts like you!