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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Rest in piece.
« Italian »
Resto nella parte.
Rest in the part.
what are you doing?
« Croatian »
što su te događaj?
what are these happening?
more cowbell
« Icelandic »
fleiri týtuber
further mountain cranberry
more cowbell
« Icelandic »
fleiri týtuber
further mountain cranberry
I was in the toilet and your phone rang
« Korean »
나는 화장실에서 이고 당신의 전화는 둥글게 되었다
Me and your transformation became roundly from the bathroom
What do you get when you guzzle down sweets?
« Japanese »
When it guzzles under the candy, you obtain in something?
The story of life : boy meets girl, boy gets stupid. Boy and girl live stupidly ever after.
« Croatian »
priče od život : dječak sastati se djevojka , dječak dobiva omamljen. Dječak i djevojka živ omamljen ikada nakon.
stories with curriculum vitae : youngster meet girlfriend , youngster gets torpid. Youngster plus girlfriend vivid torpid once afterwards.
The story of life : boy meets girl, boy gets stupid. Boy and girl live stupidly ever after.
« Korean »
생활의 이야기: 소년은 소녀, 소년을 된다 어리석게 만난다. 살아있는 소년과 소녀 어리석게 그 후로 오랫동안.
Talk of life: The boy becomes the young girl and the boy and meets foolishly. The boy and the young girl who are living is foolish after that for a long time.
I poured Spot remover on my dog. Now he's gone.
« Portuguese »
Eu derramei o removedor do ponto em meu cão. Agora he' s ido.
I spilled remover of the point in my dog. Now he' s IDO.
All is fair in love and war.
« Latin »
Totus est mediocris in diligo quod bellum.
Whole is ordinary upon to value highly and war.
by Melissa
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