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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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I have to sneeze because I put pepper on an onion.
« Russian »
Я должен чихнуть потому что я одеваю в перец лук.
I must sneeze because I I dress into the pepper of pommels.
I want to have wild passionate sex with you.
« Korean »
나는 당신과 가진 사나운 열렬한 성이 있고 싶다.
I have and with you there is a characteristic which is passionate.
babelfish is among the most useless inventions in the history of evil!
« Croatian »
babelfish je između preko beskoristan izum in povijest od zlo!
babelfish had betwixt via useless invention in history with mischief!
I find boys playing sports very sexy.
« Greek »
Βρίσκω τα αγόρια που παίζουν τον αθλητισμό πολύ προκλητικό.
I find the boys that play the sports very provocative.
screw you
« Japanese »
Tighten with the screw
Fuck you.
« Japanese »
Have sexual intercourse.
No one knows my plan.
« Serbian »
Nitko knotkle moj nacrt.
Nullify know my blueprint.
Beans! Why has they no cats?
« Czech »
fazole Proč 3sg.préz.od have ona ne rajský protlak?
beans Why have she no ketchup?
The cake is a lie!
« Croatian »
torta je laž!
cake had untruth!
Where are you taking that thing? It's probably some kind of raw sewage container. You should pick it up and rub your face all over it.
« German »
Wo nehmen Sie diese Sache? It' s vermutlich irgendeine Art Behälter des rohen Abwassers. Sie sollten ihn abholen und Ihr Gesicht ganz über ihm reiben.
Where do you take this thing? It' s probably any kind container of the raw waste water. They should fetch it and rub your face completely over it.
Nice shirts like you!