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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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She is fucking a horse!?
« Chinese (simplified) »
她与马性交! ?
She and horse sexual intercourse! ?
I ate a large shit, then shit.
« Chinese (simplified) »
I have eaten the dung, then defecated.
I LITERALLY laughed so hard my arms LITERALLY fell off!
« Latin »
EGO PHILOLOGUS rideo risi risum sic ferreus meus telum PHILOLOGUS socius off!
I SCHOLAR to laugh at so made of iron my javelin SCHOLAR partner off!
Shit the bed
« Italian »
Ha cacato la base
The base has shit
It burns when I take shits
« Chinese (simplified) »
When I adopt the excrement, it burns
I can't believe that she said something so fucking stupid!
« Swedish »
JAG kan icke er av den mening åt hon sa något så fucking dum!
SELF can't believe that she said somewhat so fucking nasty!
Why are my eyebrow so itchy when I scratch them?
« Chinese (simplified) »
When I catch them, why is my eyebrow itches very much?
What the fuck is juice? Nigga, give me some of that grape drink!
« Dutch »
Wat fuck is sap? Nigga, geeft me sommige van die druivendrank!
What are fuck juice? Nigga, give some me of that grape spirits!
I saw a dead animal on the road. I ate it.
« Portuguese »
Eu vi um animal inoperante na estrada. Eu comi-a.
I saw an inoperative animal in the road. I ate it.
He did not wear his scarlet coat, for blood and wine are red
« Finnish »
Hän valmis ei hivuttaa -nsa helakanpunainen kuorruttaa , ajaksi totuttaa vereen ja viini aari puna
Anythbly ready-made no wear its vermilion coat , for blood and wine are blush
by Keir Hardie
Nice shirts like you!