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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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Good morning. In less than an hour, aircraft from here will join others from around the world. And you will be launching the largest aerial battle in the history of mankind. "Mankind." That word should have new meaning for all of us today. We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore. We will be united in our common interests. Perhaps it's fate that today is the Fourth of July, and you will once again be fighting for our freedom... Not from tyranny, oppression, or persecution... but from annihilation. We are fighting for our right to live. To exist. And should we win the day, the Fourth of July will no longer be known as an American holiday, but as the day the world declared in one voice: "We will not go quietly into the night!" We will not vanish without a fight! We're going to live on! We're going to survive! Today we celebrate our Independence Day!
« Latin »
Bonus oriens. In minor quam an hora aircraft ex hic mos suo alius ex inter orbis terrarum. Quod vos ero launching amplus aer pugna in history of mankind. Mankind. " Ut vox should have novus voluntas pro totus nostrum hodie. Nos can't exsisto perussi per nostrum petty varietas anymore. Nos ero iunctus in nostrum vulgaris interests. Forsitan it's fortuna ut hodie est Quartus of July , quod vos mos quondam iterum exsisto bellator pro nostrum licentia. Non ex dominatus , concussio , vel persecution. tamen ex letum. Nos es bellator pro nostrum vox vivo. Ut futurus. Quod should nos lucror dies , Quartus of July mos haud diutius exsisto notus ut an American feriae , tamen ut dies orbis terrarum ostendo sum una vox vocis : " nos mos non vado quiete in nox noctis! " Nos mos non abolesco vacuus a pugna! We're iens vivo in! We're iens supersto! Hodie nos celebrate nostrum Libertas Dies!
Good rising. Upon smaller how or hour aircraft out of this will to stitch other out of among the world. And you will be launching large aeris fight upon history of mankind. Mankind. " When cry should fui novel wish for whole our today. We can't to emerge to burn up very our petty variety anymore. We will be united upon our common it concerns. Perhaps it's fortune when today is Fourth of July , and you will formerly again to emerge fighting man for our license. Not out of rule , oppression , or to follow. nothwithstanding out of death. We are fighting man for our cry to live. When to be. And should we to gain day , Fourth of July will no longer to emerge known when or American holidays , nothwithstanding when day the world show to be in one voice : " we will not go quietly upon night! " We will not to die empty a fight! We're going to live upon! We're going to survive! Today we large crowd our Freedom Day!
I hate your face and I want to kill you with a flounder.
« Japanese »
I hate your surface, the murder of struggling want.
by Chris De bow
Everybody just suck a cock. That includes you.
« German »
Jeder saugen gerade einen Hahn. Das schließt Sie mit ein.
Everyone suck a straight cock. That includes you also.
Well somebody's gonna make them some zombie grits!
« Finnish »
Kummuta joku gonna ehtiä heidät jokin hölmö hiekkakivi!
Well anybody gonna make them some idiot sandstone!
this, is rupturefarms... they say its the biggest meat processing plant on oddworld... I used to work here.. well, I was really a slave... like all the others... Thats me. my name is Abe. I WAS employee of the year... now, i'm dead meat. I crossed the meanest boss in the world. molluck, the glukkon. my whole life changed, in just one day. I was working late one night, at rupturefarms. we used to make meech munchies. until the meeches were through... we still made paramite pies, and we made some good scrab cakes, too. I thought I had a good job. but that, was before I knew... how we'd make new 'n' tasty, I was still to find. the truth, it turned out... now THAT, would blow my mind... the glukkons were scared, 'cause profits were grim. paramites, and scrabs, had been turning up thin. but mullock was cruel, he had a plan. this new kind of meat? it was US! I just HAD to escape, I just HAD to be free! and i didn't even know, I had a destiny. so? GET ME OUTA HERE!
« Japanese »
これは、rupturefarmsである…彼らが言うoddworldの最も大きい肉製造プラントを… 私はここに働くのが常であった。 それで、私はだった実際にすべての他のように奴隷…… それは私である。 私の名前はAbeである。 私はだった年の従業員… 今、i' mのおしまい。 私は世界の中間の主任を交差させた。 molluck、glukkon。 変わる私の一生 ちょうど1日。 私はrupturefarmsで1夜を、遅く働かせていた。 私達はmeechのmunchiesを作るのが常であった。 まで meechesはまだ…私達を通って作ったparamiteパイをあり、私達もあるよいscrabのケーキを作った。 私は私が持っていたことを考えた よい仕事。 しかしそれは、私が…いかにwe'知っていた前にあった; dは新しい'を作る; n' 風味がよい、私はまだ見つけるべきだった。 真実、それ ひっくり返される… 、私の心を…吹くのでglukkonsは、'おびえていた; 原因の利益は厳格だった。 paramites、 そしてscrabsはずっと薄いの上で、回っていた。 しかしmullockは残酷、彼持っていた計画をだった。 この新しい種類の肉か。 それはあった 米国! 私は私ちょうどなった自由であるちょうど脱出するなった! そしてi didn' tは、私持っていた運命を知っている。 そうか。 私にOUTAを得なさい ここに!
This is rupturefarms…The meat production plant whose oddworld which they say is largest… As for me it was normal to work here. With that, was I, really all other ways, slave ...... That is I. My name is Abe. Am I employee… of the year when Now, i' m end. I had the chief of center of the world cross. molluck and glukkon. My lifetime which changes Exactly 1 days. I had used 1 nights, slowly with rupturefarms. As for us it was normal to make munchies of meech. To meeches still…Passing by us, the cake of good scrab where there is a paramite pie which it made, there are we was made. I thought of that I had Good work. But as for that, me…How we& The #039 before having known, it was; As for d new & The #039 is made; n' Flavor is good, I still should find. Truth, that It is reversed… My heart…Because you blow, as for glukkons, & The #039 it could to have; The profit of cause was strict. paramites, And it is thin at on, it turned scrabs directly. But mullock cruelty, him was the plan that it had. Meat of this new type? As for that the United States which is! I me am free becomes exactly, it escapes it became exactly! And i didn' t me has known the destiny which it had. So? Profit do OUTA in me here!
Your dick looks funny.
« Danish »
Jeres dick ser ud sjov.
Yours dick appears fun.
I will turn your legs into noodles! limp noodles!
« Welsh »
Chordda 'ch baglau i mewn i noodles! hercia noodles!
I churn ' dogs crutches into noodles! I hop noodles!
fat kids are harder to kidnap.
« Croatian »
mast dječji jesu očeličiti to oteti.
unguent little one are harden this wrest.
I'm not getting paid enough to watch you fall down all day. Get up.
« Japanese »
I' 1日中落ちるのを見るには十分に俸給を受け取らないm。 起きなさい。
I' 1 Japan and China to observe at that it falls, m where sufficiently the salary is not received. Occur.
Baloney is perfect fuel for killing tiny cowards!
« Hungarian »
Halandzsa van tökéletes üzemanyag részére gyilkos picike gyávák!
Hooey there is that's perfect motor-spirit for murderer tiny cowards!
Nice shirts like you!