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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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You shit-faced cock master!
« Italian »
Merda-avete affrontato il padrone del rubinetto!
Merda-you have faced the master of the tap!
Gordon Brown.
« Latin »
Gordon Frons.
Gordon Forehead.
by Tony
You're really nice. Let's go out.
« Portuguese »
You' re realmente agradável. Let' s sai.
You' really pleasant reverse speed. Let' s leaves.
Please don't be angry, i love you, be careful
« Korean »
don' t는 성나다, 사랑해요, 조심한다
don' t gets angry, loves, takes care
by Berns Ugalde
You know what really grinds my gears?
« Latin »
Vos teneo quis vere frendo meus apparatus?
You to occupy anyone truly gnash the teeth my equipment?
I like that color red on you
« Japanese »
I being you, am red, you like the color
by Chris
You are so great and amazing. You are the greatest to walk this earth ever.
« Latin »
Vos es tantus quod prodigiosus. Vos es maioribus ut ingredior is terra umquam.
You are so large and unnatural. You are greater when to enter upon this earth ever.
by Sidney
What would Jesus do?
« Japanese »
Does yes Christ do what?
by Sidney
Love you too, honey.
« Welsh »
Cara 'ch hefyd , fêl.
I love ' dogs also , honey.
I want to stick my penis in your vagina and ravish you all night long
« Chinese (simplified) »
I want to adhere me and rob you all night in yours vagina's penis
Nice shirts like you!