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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
He had kicked the very earth into pieces. Confound the man!
« Japanese »
彼は部分にまさに地球を蹴った。 人を混同しなさい!
He kicked the earth just in the part. Confuse the person!
I like to drink coca cola and eat fish fillet, which i like the most.
« Korean »
나는 코카콜라를 마시고 나가 최대량을 좋아하는 생선 포를 먹고 싶다.
I to drink Coca-Cola, most eats the fish fillet which likes the large quantity.
« Spanish »
Horseradish tree
Ben is a knob goblin
« Chinese (traditional) »
Originally is the lump malicious ghost
touch my male sexual organ
« Welsh »
chyffwrdd 'm fab 'n rhywiol ermyg
touch ' ores boy ' heartburn sexual instrument
I don't give a fucking shit about that girl.
« Welsh »
Gwisga t anrhega a fucking cacha am a bachgennes.
I dress tower I present I go fucking I shit about I go girl.
I would really like to know what precisely constitutes dark matter.
« Korean »
나는 진짜로 정확하게 암흑 물질을 구성하는 무슨이 알고 싶으면.
I accurately with realness, composes the dark matter this to know, when wants.
by Anon11235813
"You sound kind of knowledgeable about that. Robot porn was it?" Overheard in class.
« Korean »
" 당신은 그것에 관하여 지식이 있는의 종류를 소리가 난다. 로봇 포르노는 그것이었는가? " 종류에서 도청하는.
" You about it is born is a knowledge type sound. Was the robot porno it? " Taps from type.
by Anon23
"You sound kind of knowledgeable about that. Robot porn was it?" Overheard in class.
« Japanese »
" 種類のそれについての知識があるを鳴る。 ロボットポルノグラフィーはそれだったか。" クラスでふと耳にされる。
" There is a knowledge concerning that of type you sound. Was the robot pornography that? " In class it makes suddenly the ear.
by Anon23
Would you mind pointing me to the nearest library? I have a book to return
« Japanese »
最も近い図書館を私を指すことを気にするか。 私に戻る本がある
The closest library it designates that it points to me as the air? There is a book which returns to me
Nice shirts like you!