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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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« Japanese »
Ohio state does not eat fruit me
Someone told me to come here. I did not really want to. This is for his benefit. Hurry up.
« Welsh »
Rhywun ddeudedig 'm at d 'ma. Gwnawn mo 'n sylweddol angen at. Dyma achos eiddo elwa. Brysia i fyny.
Someone said ' ores to heartburn here. We do not ' heartburn substantial need to. Here is because his gain. I hasten up.
Water and Oil cannot be mixed.
« Japanese »
The water and oil are mixed.
by FireBeard 20X6
Cock it like a shotgun. Cock it, cock it!
« Latin »
Gallo is amo a offa. Gallo is , gallo is!
Cock this to love a lump. Cock this , cock this!
by AJ
latino bum
« Filipino »
latino hampaslupa
swamp hobo
may i insert my enormous penis into your tiny vagina?
« Czech »
moci já dodat má ohavný pyj do tvůj drobounký pochva?
may self supply has hideous phallus up yours tiny stall?
Guns don't kill people,i kill people with guns!
« Chinese (traditional) »
開槍don' t殺害人,我殺害有槍的人!
Opens fire don' t kills the human, I kill human who has the gun!
by odiriuss
english to russian and back again
« Japanese »
Russian and the back section for the second time from 0 English
How much wood would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood
« Turkish »
kaç odun -cekti a odun kıkırdamak kıkırdamak eğer a odun kıkırdamak -ebil kıkırdamak odun
inevitable firewood cekti a firewood rustle rustle if a firewood rustle ebil rustle firewood
« Russian »
the bow
Nice shirts like you!