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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Welsh »
oera, oeri, oerwch, ymoera, ymoeri, ymoerwch, 'n ddidaro, 'n glaear, 'n hunan-feddiannol, 'n oer, 'n oeraidd, 'n oerllyd, claear
I cool , cool , you cool , I cool , cool , you cool , ' heartburn unaffected , ' heartburn lukewarm , ' heartburn composed , ' heartburn cold , ' heartburn coldish , ' heartburn chilly , lukewarm
What if I just copied whatever result I get and then push the button again?
« Japanese »
When I profit, me copy what kind of result for the second time next exactly, something pushes in the button?
by stay tuned
if i just found the right sized spanner we'd be back on the road within minutes
« Turkish »
eğer i adil kurmak belgili tanımlık doğru büyüklük karış we'd var olmak sırt üstünde belgili tanımlık yol zarfında zabıtname
if i just set up the straight greatness span we'd exist back on the comrade during protocol
Jazz is a beautiful, awsome service puppy in training for Helping Paws, a non profit organization that trains dogs to assist people with disabilities other than sight and hearing.
« Croatian »
Džez je lijep awsome poslužitelj štene in odgajanje za Pomoć Šape , ne dobit organizacije taj vlakovi psi to pomoći narod sa nedostatak drugom osim vidik i sluh.
Jazz had trig awsome server puppy in tuition for Help Paws , does not profit organizations this trains dogs this to aid you people from an weakness other than vista plus hearing.
by Louise
never do today what you can put off until tomarrow
« Japanese »
What which can be postponed to tomarrow under any condition today does not have to be done,
i have a huge penis, would you like to see it?
« Korean »
나는 거대한 남근이, 하고자 했다 당신 그것을 보고 싶다 있는가?
Me the penis which is enormous, under should have been boiled will see your it and?
I would like to kiss your breasts
« Dutch »
Ik zou uw borsten willen kussen
I your udders want kiss
the wall is to big for any man to climb, except john.
« Japanese »
For all people who should rise excluding John, it is large there is a wall.
by luke :D
Stick it in her pooper!
« Czech »
Přilepit ono do ji lodní záď!
Stick yon up her stern!
Would you like to lick my flabby, fat whore smothered in vinegar?
« Chinese (simplified) »
You must lick me who suffocates in the vinegar to be soft, obese prostitute?
by xXGothLeprechaunXx
Nice shirts like you!