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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
« Italian »
It's me, Mario
« French »
It' ; s je, Mario
It& #039; S I, Mario
Sjećam se da sam joj rekla da sam slobodna. Bila je presretna.
« Japanese »
記憶はい私達は彼女が私達する監督無しの自由を賛成した監督無しのjojをする。 ある王として持たれていた幸せが。
Kao za pamćenje posrijedi je i mi nisu u njoj nas pravac što je ispunjavanja nezavisnost , pravac što odobrenje nije joj je ispunjavanja. Kao siguran kralj je , sreća što.
by Carica
Roses are red, Violets are blue, In Soviet Russia Poem writes you
« Japanese »
ばらは赤い、 バイオレットは青い、 旧ソ連構成国で詩は書く
The rose is red, the violet is blue, you write poem in old Soviet constitution country
Many clients are experiencing a downturn in business from their UK clients
« Czech »
Mnoho klient ar podstoupit jeden převrhnutí do obchod dle jejich UK klient
Much client are wage a downthrow up shop from their UK client
Standing on the corner, watching all the girls go by.
« Finnish »
Seisova model after kaartaa , katsella aivan apulainen sisu luona.
Stagnant on sweep , watch clean mate go by.
I love cheesy poofs, you love cheesy poofs - if we did not eat cheesy poofs we would be lame
« Japanese »
When as for me the [tsu] where the legs are inconvenient - us with us [po] it is cheaply and homo- does not eat the [tsu] [po] it is cheaply and homo-, the [tsu] which is loved [po] it is cheaply and homo- loves
I appear to have done something very bad in your kitchen...
« Czech »
JÁ objevit se až k mít platí něco dokonalý bolavý do tvůj kuchynŘ.
SELF appear to hold that's a bargain something sublime sore up yours kitchen.
hand job
« Serbian »
ruka posao
arm affair
« Chinese (simplified) »
Work high above the ground construction worker
by CDiFan237
Nice shirts like you!