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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
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o ronaldo almoça e janta
« English »
ronaldo lunchhes and has supper
os lunchhes do ronaldo e têm a ceia
Barack Obama
« Serbian »
Barakaldo Obama
Hut Obama
danas mi se pija kava
« Croatian »
Dana mi se pija kava
Of the day we does tipsy coffee
by edd
You are a cunt and you know you are
« Japanese »
It is cunt, a certain thing is known
Please manipulate bitter milk through an elaborate moment
« French »
Veuillez manoeuvrer le lait amer par un moment raffiné
Please operate bitter milk by one refined moment
She's not my four-legged kid
« Slovenian »
She's ne svoj štiri - gamaše nesmisel
She's thingummy your quadri- leggings without rime or reason
what ties us together breaks our spirits apart
« Romanian »
ce ties nouă together gustare de dimineaţă our spirit apartament
what ties us together breakfast our spirit apartment
Tuossa talossa on kaunis kuisti
« English »
There farm is fair porch
Paikalla farmi on kauniilta tuntuva eteinen
Move back motherfuckers
« Filipino »
galawin gulugod motherfuckers
move spinal column motherfuckers
why do we waste our time? i could have some hot ass right now.
« Czech »
proč činit my zpustošit náš čas? já could mít nějaký horký osel dobrý teď.
why amount we waste our while? self inch hold some hot jackass sweet now.
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