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It is the very beautiful woman. Am I for the beverage connected?
Silly? Shocking? Profound? Click the smiley to vote it up!
Poker in the front and liquor in the rear
« Italian »
Mazza nella parte anteriore e liquore nella parte posteriore
Mace in the front part and liqueur in the posterior part
i will make my bed
« Croatian »
ja htijenje izraditi moj krevet
I volition fabricate my sack
by Andrea
I like you. You are so pretty.
« Portuguese »
Eu gosto de você. Você é tão bonito.
I taste of you. You are so pretty.
You know, like a corn dog.
« Welsh »
Adwaenoch , cara ]d chi.
You know , I love d you.
Who is smarter - the average American or a small shrew?
« Japanese »
Someone the smart - even America it is the small nagging woman?
Carol never wore her safety goggles. Now she doesn't need them.
« Japanese »
キャロルは決して彼女の安全メガネを身に着けていなかった。 今度は彼女doesn' tはそれらを必要とする。
The carol had not attached her safe glasses to the body under any condition. This time her doesn' t needs those.
Can you do my homework for me?
« Icelandic »
Geta þú gera minn heimavinna fyrir mig?
Be able to you do my health pay lip service to myself?
you suck
« Japanese »
It inhales
If you can read this, you're obviously too pissed to be allowed out alone.
« Japanese »
これを読むことができればyou' 余りに怒っている再単独で割り当てられるには明らかに。
If it can read this, you' It is gotten angry to remainder, to be re- independently allotted, clearly.
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
« Korean »
얼마 나무를 우드척은 우드척이 나무를 가볍게 칠 수 있던 경우에, 가볍게 칠는가?
How much tree the wood the wood the tree to be light seven possibility is tight tight and in case, is light painting?
Nice shirts like you!