Here's a song
It reminds me of when we were young
Looking back at all the things we've done
You gotta keep on keepin' on
Here' песня A.S.
Она напоминает меня когда мы были молоды
Смотреть назад на всех вещах we' сделанный получили, что сдержал ve вам на keepin' на
Here' song A.S.
It resembles me when we were young
To look back on all things of we' made they obtained that it held in control ve to you to keepin' on
There is never anything good on television.
Es gibt nie alles, das auf Fernsehen gut ist.
There is never everything, which is good on television.
Standing on the corner, watching all the girls go by.
Seisova model after kaartaa , katsella aivan apulainen sisu luona.
Stagnant on sweep , watch clean mate go by.
I love cheesy poofs, you love cheesy poofs - if we did not eat cheesy poofs we would be lame
When as for me the [tsu] where the legs are inconvenient - us with us [po] it is cheaply and homo- does not eat the [tsu] [po] it is cheaply and homo-, the [tsu] which is loved [po] it is cheaply and homo- loves
I appear to have done something very
bad in your kitchen...
JÁ objevit se až k mít platí něco dokonalý bolavý do tvůj kuchynŘ.
SELF appear to hold that's a bargain something sublime sore up yours kitchen.
fuck you all
Have sexual intercourse entirely
Work high above the ground construction worker
by CDiFan237
I have a giant penis.
There is an enormous penis in me.
by Streetrunner
English to _________ and back again. See what's lost (or gained) in translation.
Saesneg at _________ a bacia ail. Canfod beth s ar goll ( ai elwedig ) i mewn chyfieithiad.
English to _________ I go I back a second time. See thing sound lost ( or gained ) in translation.
Patrick Stewart is Jean-Luc Picard Captain and Commanding officer.
Pium Vilicus est Jean Luc Picard Caput quod To order muneris.
Honest Villicus is Jean Luc Jay Capitis and Command service.
by Fluf